New company CoCoCo founded to openly connect the print industry

CoCoCo, a print industry SaaS company, just started its mission to enable compatibility, connectivity, and collaboration across the print industry worldwide.

CoCoCo will follow an open business approach to reach its goals: they offer connectivity for existing assets in print shops. The company’s products will be vendor and manufacturer-neutral, which makes their products so appealing for printers. Print shops will not need to make a new investment, but can simply connect their existing setup.

Although just founded, CoCoCo already launches with a concrete product plan based on three components: A platform
called CoCore and two products called CoConnect and CoCollab.

CoCore is an AI-enabled, open platform and data storage that forms the base for CoCoCo’s vision of a connected print industry. CoConnect will connect any software and machine on-site or in the cloud. CoCollab will enable rule-based job routing.

The platform is ready to use. Printers are encouraged to sign up for a waiting list online:

CoCoCo was founded by Andreas Aplien, John Maxwell, and Karl Ciz. They unite decades of print industry knowledge and