Connect your machines and software. Combine all the data. Collaborate with everyone.

Completely unlock the connectivity in your print shop - with CoCoCo, the pioneering open integration platform. We empower your existing investments. Regardless of your provider or manufacturer.

Streamline your operations with automation.

Job intake and routing made easy.

CoCoCo significantly simplifies the process of order intake and job routing. We create seamless mechanisms for data exchange between print shops, and enable smooth and transparent transfer of job information.

Effortless connections.

Through its innovative virtual Edge Device, CoCoCo facilitates straightforward integration of machines and software. Forget manual data transfer between machines. Forget complex IT projects. Handle your connections through one simple platform: CoCore.

Unlock what you already have.

The platform is a scalable, structured data storage based on a reliable industry data standard. It is compatible with your current investments. We connect and automate them, so you can scale your business processes.

Software providers and machine manufacturers join our journey!

Let's connect your clients to the whole industry.