CoCoCo announces Ultimate Tech Integration

2 October, 2024 – We are excited to announce that CoCoCo, the print industry’s premier connectivity company, has integrated with Ultimate Tech software, a leader in Imposition, Nesting, and Finishing Automation. 

Elevating Print Shop Connectivity

CoCoCo provides connectivity for existing assets in print shops so that customers don’t need to make new capital investments, but can simply connect to their existing setup. The Ultimate Impostrip® integration will, therefore, allow customers to access and easily integrate Ultimate’s services into their existing print shop ecosystem.

Key Components of CoCoCo’s Connectivity Platform

CoCoCo’s connectivity platform consists of 3 main elements. CoCore is an AI-enabled, open platform and data storage,  CoConnect will connect any software and machine on-site or in the cloud. CoCollab will enable rule-based job routing. Ultimate Tech software will soon be available to all CoCoCo customers globally via CoConnect.

Streamlining Integration for Enhanced Efficiency

“This integration will provide CoCoCo’s customer base with a world class Imposition option, which works seamlessly along-side other integrations, with minimal setup and integration fuss” says Karl Ciz, Director at CoCoCo. “The connectivity landscape is simplifying, it will become ever easier to integrate new and existing print shop assets. We are super-happy to be working with world leading solutions providers like Ultimate”

Raymond Duval, Julie Watson from Ultlimate Technographics, and Karl Ciz from CoCoCo.
Raymond Duval, Julie Watson from Ultlimate Technographics, and Karl Ciz from CoCoCo.

Ultimate Impostrip®: Redefining Automation

Ultimate Impostrip® provides lights out, hands free, true reliable automation. From imposition, to true shape nesting, the generation of marks and the intelligence to dynamically place your print elements on the sheet optimally and automatically. Ultimate Impostrip® has a unique architecture allowing it to be fully scalable, flexible and able to maximise short run jobs, fast turnaround times and lights out automation offering true centralisation and the possibility to prepare a wide range of print applications from general commercial, books, transactional, variable data jobs, mail sorted work, labels, folding carton, digital packaging, graphics and more. 

“We can only achieve true end to end workflow automation using smart best in class software solutions” says Julie Watson Ultimate Tech CEO. “Inter-connectivity is a key element, and at Ultimate Tech we believe in open solutions, industry standards, and facilitating inter-connectivity. We are happy to offer our customers connectivity to CoConnect.” 


About Ultimate Tech (

Automation in overdrive. Print Service Providers worldwide benefit from increased productivity in a digital and hybrid environment thanks to Ultimate Tech’s innovative and automation driven software solutions. Ultimate Tech invented digital imposition with the first release of Ultimate Impostrip® in 1989 and it supports the print industry community, bringing unique and proven capability to centralize and simplify — with unmatched performance and flexibility — the automation of print production workflows for a bright future.


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